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A look back at Trump's First Term

Tomorrow is the most important Presidential election in modern history - it is a referendum on Trump’s presidency thus far. The US public gambled on a fresh choice in businessman Donald Trump back in 2016, but his disrespectful presidency has been viewed across the world. In a year where the US has become the epicenter of a global pandemic, and where race tensions have hit all time high - the US public have hit a crossroads. Do they want to continue going down this road or do they want to return to a more traditional President in Joe Biden?

Leader of the free world or leader of the Trump world?

In 2016, Trump vowed to “Make America Great Again”, campaigning on the premise that the US was in decline and it needed to return to its “glory days”, blaming corrupt politicians for draining the economy because of policies on things like immigration. His 2016 campaign was controversial, far-fetched and the most divisive in modern history - he won and entered office in January 2017. From a Muslim ban, to starting ‘the wall’, rolling back on reproductive rights, to pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, to an impeachment - Trump has used and abused his power, but his inexperience and lack of understanding of the US political system has been obvious. His frustration has resulted in his behavior, interactions and of course tweets - waging war on the media and the “radical left”. The US has never been more polarised with itself and with the world. This article has a look back at Trump’s last four years, highlighting issues which do not even form part of his political agenda such as race and the environment.


A global pandemic was the last thing President Trump ever expected, or was prepared for. As the virus moved towards the US, Trump was still more concerned about the economy. From the get go, he played the virus down, stating in February-

As it peaked in the summer his play-down rhetoric continued, saying most cases were “totally harmless” stated in July and by September, the US had a death toll of 200,000 and yet Trump was suggesting that the US was “rounding the final turn” of the pandemic (Atlantic 2020).

His administration recently stated that Trump’s response to COVID-19 has saved 2 million lives and outperformed other nations (White House 2020) but this is far from the reality, with over 9 million cases, and 230 thousand deaths, the highest death toll in the world (Worldometers 2020). As we deepen into the second wave, the situation is worsening with more than 100,000 new cases a day and 43,000 people hospitalised, a figure approaching the worst of the midsummer peak (Washington Post 2020).

Not only has Trump had a lack of regard for seriousness for the virus, but has also refuted facts by scientists (see Trump’s bizarre Axios interview below)

But, he also actively discourages people from wearing masks as well as promoting untested scientific treatments like hydroxychloroquine and even the extremity of telling people to inject bleach (ABC 2020). It is remarkably fearsome that the leader of the Free World gives advice that not even a six-year-old child would.

He fabricated testing, saying back in March “anybody that needs a test - gets a test”. Not only this was untrue, but in May he also said that the United States has conducted more testing “than all other countries together!” (The Atlantic 2020) - another lie, the US was far behind their Asian counterparts. He continually blamed China, and created travel bans too much of the world, (Politico 2020) but much too late, and far from effective.

The pandemic is a long way from being over, and Trump has positioned himself as the candidate that will re-open the country, and ignore the virus, as someone who suffered himself he suggested to “not let the virus dominate you”. But this is not a choice, it is a national health crisis, where hundreds of Americans are dying every day.

We deeply feel for the thousands of Americans who could not afford health care given its exorbitant cost but Trump was attended by the best professionals in the country and with tax money all Americans pay. Encouraging people to not wear a mask and not stop from living their lives is outrageous as him and his family will always have the best treatment possible.

Female Rights;

The sexually provocative and aggressive President, set a precedent back in 2016 during his campaign against Hilary Clinton that was laced with sexism, with his tagline of “nasty woman” (The Guardian 2016) - a comment that he has recycled when talking about VP Kamala Harris (The Guardian 2020).

He has consistently commented on female politicians and journalists' looks, and referred to those he dislikes as crazy or unhinged. How sexist do you need to be for you to comment on female politician appearance instead of on their ideas when you feel threatened? Very 1950.

Furthermore, he has used sexually aggressive comments against women, and, unsurprisingly, been accused by dozens of them of sexual assault (Business Insider 2020). Such behaviour and attitude should not be allowed, especially for a person in a position of power, let alone a PRESIDENT.

The person sitting at the Oval Office serves as a reference not only to American people but to the world, and having such a sexist character normalises discrimination against women. There are people who openly support misogynist comments on national TV such as "grabbing her by the pussy" and somehow find them amusing.

In office, Trump has rolled back rights of women most recently nominating pro-life Supreme Justice, Amy Coney Barrett (CNN, 2020) - now the Supreme Court tilts to the right which will limit reproductive rights in the future. Barret's nomination is still highly criticised as she is affiliated to a Christian group, People of Praise, which claims that sexual relations should only happen between married heterosexual couples and puts birth control at stake, among others.

Trump has waged war on women’s health in his first term, and implemented the following:

  • Within the first 100 days of Mr Trump in office, his administration cut funding for the United Nations Population Fund which provides family planning and reproductive services to more than 150 countries globally. (The Independent 2020)

  • The Trump administration also reinstated and expanded the Mexico City policy, more commonly known as the “global gag rule.” The policy prohibits foreign nongovernmental organizations from receiving U.S. funding if they “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.” (Foreign Policy 2020).

  • Trump administration appointed Stephen Miller as a Senior White House Adviser who has openly spoken out against equal pay between women and men. He also defended the comment "crime could be reduced by aborting every black baby in this country" made by a member staff of Trump administration, adding that such suggestion was not racist (Landsbaum 2016).

  • In 2018, Trump's Justice Department also narrowed the definition of domestic violence to harms that constitute a felony or misdemeanor, effectively eliminating nonphysical violence such as psychological, emotional or economic abuse (NPR 2020.) He does not believe that a husband can abuse his wife without laying a hand on her. Again, very 1950.

He does NOT support gender equal pay - The Trump administration stopped an Obama-era rule requiring companies to report how much they pay workers to pinpoint pay disparities by gender and race. Ironically, Ivanka Trump, a White woman earning more than average American women, explained that "the proposed policy would not yield the intended results" (Khimm 2017). The policy was ruled out incredibly fast given Black and Hispanic women in the US in 2018 earned $0.62 and $0.54, respectively, per every dollar that men make (Bleiweis 2020).

However, we are still waiting for a better plan to tackle the gender wage gap. Suspiciously sexist again.


President Trump boasted about having the greatest US economy ever, and prior to the pandemic the economy was doing well, however this was largely a continuing trend from the Obama administration. During his first three years in office, President Trump oversaw an annual average growth of 2.5%. The last three years of the Obama administration saw a similar level of growth (2.4%) along with a significantly higher figure (5.5%) in mid-2014 (BBC 2020). Obama's administration created 7.1 million new jobs juxtaposed to Trump's 6.4 million comparing similar time-frames, and real wages grew more throughout Obama's term (2.4%) as opposed to Trump's prior to the coronavirus pandemic (2.1%) (BBC 2020).

In addition, by the time Trump entered office, he had inherited one of the strongest job markets in American history from Obama and up until 2020, President Trump’s first term was characterised by solid job growth (CNN 2020). Watch this 2 minutes video fact-checking Trump's allegations regarding US economic performance during his administration.

Why do Trump supporters keep relying on the “But Trump has done great things for the economy” affirmation? After comparing numbers, it does not really have valid fundament.

However, the situation created by the coronavirus outbreak earlier this year has triggered the sharpest contraction since records began, and wiped out about 15 percent of American jobs in just two months (CNN 2020). The reality is that either candidate Trump or Biden will be left with a massive mission to recover from the pandemic.


When Obama became the first African-American President in 2008, many considered the United States a “Post Racial” society. Fast forward twelve years, where President Trump claims he has done more for Black people than any other president “with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln.” (Presidential Debate 2020) The reality is far from this, instead of a “post racial” society, or race positive Presidencies, society has been riddled with racial tensions, and with President Trump constantly sticking the knife in an already very open and raw wound.

In the wake of George Floyd’s death and a global Black Lives Matter movement, Trump has set his stance firmly against peaceful protestors marching for racial equity. He promotes himself as a “law and order” president, fundamentally racist at its core, refusing to recognise the problem with the systemic racism within policing, and causing unrealistic fears about protesters, as well as encouraging right-wing extremists. He even defended the right-wing extreme group Proud Boys in the first Presidential Debate by stating “stand back and stand by. Somebody’s got to do something about the left”. But, who are the Proud Boys?

The FBI classifies the Proud Boys as an extremist group. It is a neo-fascist, homophobic, misogynist, and white nationalist male organisation which has a history of street violence against civil rights activists and hate crimes.

Very 1950 again. Are we traveling back in time with Trump's policies?

According to a NPR/PBS poll, two-thirds of Americans say President Trump has increased racial tensions after the death of George Floyd. (NPR 2020)

He has also fueled hatred towards migrants, most famously telling four female members of Congress to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” (Vox 2019)

Much of the world’s countries are currently divided on racial issues, but politicians like Trump are determined to use rhetoric and make policies to continue to burn bridges instead of building them. With global issues and ideas at breaking point, many normal Americans, Brits, Spaniards, French, Brazillians are choosing politics of ignorance and hate - blaming races, religions and cultures instead of trying to understand and collaborate with them. This is not the America that was founded upon immigrants with dreams and determination. Instead showing a sad new reality, as considered by Ibram Kendi.

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many more African-American citizens deserved a better, fairer and non discriminatory chance at life - Donald Trump continues to fail them.

International Relations;

Under a Trump presidency, the USA has removed itself from its traditional allies, built new bridges with controversial and extreme right leaders such as Philippine's President Duterte, Brazil’s President Bolsonaro, British politician Nigel Farage and of course, spiked new tensions with China and Iran.

Trump’s foreign policy kicks off with a Travel Ban ordering nationals of six muslim-majority countries from travelling to the US for 90 days. In 2018, his egotistic politics continued with a withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council and the withdrawal from Iran's nuclear program. (Council on Foreign Relations, 2020). A withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council proves that no discrimination and dignity of all individuals is not even a topic he wants to involve his adminisitration in.

North Korea

A twitter war with North Korea’s “Rocket Man” turns into a bizarre meeting between the first sitting president and the North Korean leader in 2019. (CNN 2019). However, it is nothing more than a mere publicity stunt, as there is no progress with North Korea demilitarising.


Elsewhere in Asia, Trump takes on super-power China in a “trade war” raising tariffs on goods, and imposing new restrictions (Council on Foreign Relations 2020). The battle against coronavirus became another issue in their cold war, with Trump consistently calling it a “China virus” and that China has a big price to pay for its introduction (CNN 2020.) Then, we cannot help but wonder how we do expect racism levels to drop.


Just 371 miles of wall out of 2,000 have been built of “the big beautiful” wall Trump campaigned for four years ago. The funding for the wall caused a fight with Congress when Trump demanded $5.7 billion for a wall along the southern US border, this caused a 35 day shut down of the federal government, the longest ever, and ultimately Trump had to fold on his plans. (Council on Foreign Relations 2020)

In an October update, the administration said it had identified $15 billion — most of it from military funds — to build a total of 738 miles, which comes out to roughly $20 million a mile (Texas Tribune 2020).

Is the wall necessary?

While figures show that illegal border crossings have seen an overall decline since 2000, they have been rising again since Mr Trump took office (BBC 2019.)

As we are amidst a humanitarian crisis and many people are fleeing violence in central America- Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost told the Senate Judiciary Committee the numbers were "off the charts" and that staff were facing an "unprecedented border security and humanitarian crisis along our southwest border" (BBC 2019). Is it punishing those most in need?

Trump campaigned that drugs were crossing the border and a wall would stop this but the DEA states that while most of the heroin in the US does come from Mexico, the DEA says the majority of it is smuggled in through legal ports of entry, hidden in privately-owned vehicles or transporter lorries, mixed with other goods (BBC 2019).

Instead of building bridges, Trumps’ foreign policy has been much like the symbol of his wall, divisive and argumentative, presenting himself as a bully across the world, making decisions based on ideas and fears, and when he does not get his own way - kicking off or blaming someone else.


The US remains one of the top polluting countries, with some of the highest per capita C02 emissions (Vox 2019) with the deadly effects of higher temperatures seen across the west coast of the US, with wildfires in states like California becoming a recurrent seasonal issue (BBC 2020).

Donald Trump has decade-long controversial opinions on climate change, prior to his presidency he was known to call it a “hoax” and he campaigned in 2016 on many issues such as removing the US from the Paris Accord. In his presidency he has wrestled with climate change ideas and activists and dismantled much regulation.

Amy Harder, an energy and climate change reporter at Axios told Chatham House that many thought Trump would not be able to do what he said he would do and yet in four years he has done everything he said and more, and repealed not only Obama’s environmental policies but previous administrations policies on the environment too (Chatham House 2020).

Ignorant to the current and impending disasters caused by climate change, Trump waged war on inspiring activists like Greta Thunberg calling them “prophets of doom” at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January (WE Forum 2020). Playing down the seriousness of climate change has been central to Trump’s policies in office, refusing to believe how deadly human consequences are.

Check out Greta’s inspiring speech that triggered Trump at the World Economic Forum.

During his time in office he has;

  • Withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, which committed the US and 187 other countries to keep rising global temperatures below 2C (White House 2017)

  • Replacing President Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan, which would have limited carbon emissions from coal and gas-fired power plants, with the Affordable Clean Energy rule, which had weaker regulations (BBC 2020)

  • Attempting to freeze the fuel efficiency standards imposed on new vehicles, and prevent California from setting its own emissions rules (BBC 2020)

The US being a major driver in the world and Trump saying “we are not going to play this game” when it comes to taking climate change seriously “makes it more difficult to build the more cooperative architecture of everybody else playing that game”. (Chatham House 2020)

Without global collaboration on climate change, and with the US being such a massive contributor to emissions, a President who is not committed to the cause, and willing to partake in global agreements will only lead to the continuing deterioration of the planet until it gets to a point of no return. We do not need a leader without leadership.


Let’s go back to the start of 2020 where Trump became only the third president to be impeached. Trump was accused of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The accusation was that Trump had withheld military aid from Ukraine until they investigated an energy company where Joe Biden’s son sat on the board (Reuters 2020)

Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina School of Law called this

“The president's serious misconduct, including bribery, soliciting a personal favour from a foreign leader in exchange for his exercise of power, and obstructing justice and Congress are worse than the misconduct of any prior president, including what previous presidents who faced impeachment have done or been accused of doing.”

Trump was acquitted by a Republican dominated Senate. Since he has suggested it was a “hoax.” (BBC 2020). But these serious accusations should not be dismissed - we should have a President who is honest, and transparent.


Trump has always had a tough on immigration stance. Forbes suggests that by 2021, Donald Trump will have reduced legal immigration by 49% since becoming president (Forbes 2020). This is largely in line with Trump’s “Make America Great Again” facade, that by letting in Non-Americans would diminish America’s greatness. But the reality of limiting immigration does not just harm immigrants or refugees, but American employers and American family members, as well as the country's labour force and economic growth. The National Foundation for American Policy suggests that;

Average annual labor force growth, a key component of the nation’s economic growth, will be approximately 59% lower as a result of the administration’s immigration policies, if the policies continue."

These harmful one-dimensional views of immigrants have driven irresponsible policies such as the following;

  • BLOCKING LEGAL IMMIGRANTS; An April 2020 presidential proclamation blocked the entry of legal immigrants to the United States in almost all categories. (Federal Register Gov, 2020)

  • BLOCKING HIGH SKILLED FOREIGN NATIONALS; With the denial rate increased from 6% in 2015 to 30% in 2020 (Forbes 2020)

  • REDUCING ASYLUM SEEKERS; Trump tried to deport anyone who appeared at the border without documentation (White House 2018). In addition he tried to restrict asylum applicants to use only designated ports of entry and ordered asylum seekers coming from or travelling from Mexico to wait in Mexico whilst the outcome of their hearings (White House 2018)

  • SEPARATION OF IMMIGRANT CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS; Trump’s administration briefly separated immigrant children from their parents before ending the policy due to popular outcry (Time 2019). However, there remains 545 children still separated from their parents (NYT 2020). This is illegal under international and humanitarian law since the 1951 UN Convention states that families cannot be separated but welcomed.

  • ATTEMPTING TO END DACA; The policy protects "dreamers" from deportation. These are immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children. President Obama launched the program with an executive order in 2012. Since its launch, 2,261,485 dreamers have applied for and received work permits The Cato Institute estimated that the elimination of DACA could cost the economy $215 billion over 10 years (The Balance 2020)

  • TRAVEL BAN; Trump barred entrance to Syrian refugees (NYT 2017). This previous line is the most appalling action we have witnessed in a very long time.

These topics summarise some of the most contested areas ahead of the election. Notably, there are many other issues, such as the crusade against LGBT rights, health care restrictions, glorification of violence and lack of limitations on guns.

Trump’s “bully” mentality in areas such as female rights to most recently the global pandemic have proved himself to be harmful for not only the US, but the world. With voter numbers breaking records ahead of the election, Trump sits anxiously with only hours and 270 electoral college votes away from a second term of terror. The world awaits…. and we hope that hate does not win. Nationalism is an extremely dangerous pandemic the global order is currently experiencing and having a president who only governs for a few and not for everybody for another administration would be game over for the world as we know it.


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